Sunday, September 25, 2011


  • Since there are so much details on encapsulation I decided to do a individual blog on it.
Two functions of encapsulation
  • identifies pieces of data as part of the same communication
  • ensures that data pieces can be directed to the correct receiving end device

The Primary function of the trailer information added by the data link layer encapsulation is to supports error detection

Key functions of Encapsulation

  • identifies pieces of data as part of the same communication
  • ensures that data pieces can be directed to the correct receiving end device
  • enables the reassembly of complete message

5 steps of Data encapsulation
The Application, Presentation and Session layers create DATA from user input
The Transport layer converts the DATA to SEGMENTS
The Network layer converts the SEGMENTS to PACKETS
The Data Link Layer coverts the PACKETS to FRAMES
The physical lyaer coverts the FRAMES to BITS.

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