Saturday, October 19, 2013

Different Types of Software Testing

Different Types of Testing

Functional Testing
To test if commands are functioning the way they are supposed to function
ie. Valid Data & Invalid Data

GUI Testing
Graphical User Interface Testing
To test if the GUI meets the requirements in areas such as font, color, size, alignment and other properties

Smoke Testing
Set of test cases executed confirm if an application is ready for further testing

Database Testing - To test the quality of data in which the following are checked
a) Completeness
b) Accuracy
c) Duplication
d) Stored in proper location

AD-HOC Testing 
To test the application without any formal documentation.

Regression Testing
Set of test cases executed to confirm if  the new changes has not impacted the existing application.

Integrity Testing
Testing of two or more module  to ensure they are working together.

Browser Testing
To test the compatibility of different browsers with applications

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